Saturday, December 30, 2006

holiday anger

while i was typing an nasty email to someone and this suddenly jumped out from “Daily horoscope” so….maybe I should not be that mad.

You have made it through an emotional mine field and yet you still must pay attention so you don't unconsciously make a difficult situation worse. You could feel lighter and more detached from the serious issues at hand, yet your words could easily be misinterpreted. Share less than you know, as this can help minimize the tension for now.

另, 由于哀家怒火冲天的磁场, 家里的两个灯泡, 一天之内相继烧爆!

Monday, December 25, 2006


This is the Santa I drawn.

I was going to draw every of my friends a Santa with different facial expressions, but I got sick badly. Yes, I am sick on Christmas season.

My throat is inflamed, that gives me a twisted voice every time I talk. But the worst part is I can not eat anything besides water, I can not drink anything besides water. That may not a big deal in some other days, but it is Christmas; there are parties full of terrific homemade food, and variety of drinks. So what I am suppose to do? Standing there watching people eating, drinking and talking happily, and me, myself, can not do any of those but play log in the corner?

So, that is my Christmas, I stay at home quietly and went through some of my Macroeconomics stuff. If anyone, anyone, can possibly having a Christmas worse than mine, please let me know.



Sunday, December 24, 2006


sofa next to the window with a lamp over head. that is the corner I like to read and rest.

Get a bigger bed, sure, it is comfy.
PS. my pillows' colors are accidently mached my lover dogs poster.

More space, working area, far far away from bed, ha