(left to right: Adam, Me, Qie Zi (竟然没有找到单和茄子的合影))
Qie Zi said: 88。保重身体。。。。王娘娘
Ivy said: 你也是, 李公公
Qie Zi said: 靠
Ivy said: 哈哈
Qie Zi said: 大钊同志
Ivy said: 大孬同志
Qie Zi said: 散会散会
Ivy said: OK OK
(C and I in a Vietnamese Store)
I: roomie, can you do *$%^&^$##%& and $%#@@$% and %&*$# for me please~
C: why me? ..Am I mandatory to do this? Am I volunteered to do this?
I: yeah!
C: yeah what?
I: I am mandatory to ask, and you volunteer to do it!
C: You! You communism Chinese!
(and then, we beyond normal laughters)
ordered a new phone, and new shared plan with MB3, a new number as well.
But really i had no problem with my old one RAZR, matter of fact, I loved my RAZR.
I think that is what a phone should be, small, slim, and smart. if there has to be something, it would be the camera. Although RAZR has camera and video, they are more like toy-style. Sure, you can take pictures but if any memorable moments occurred, you can only sigh and regret. So…here is my SumSungT629 slider cell phone. Like RAZR, it is small, slim, smart and with much better camera.
While I was all excited of getting my new phone, MB3 was mocking me with my easy-satisfy-low-tech personality. Coz, for him, no phone but iPhone is what a cell should look like. iPhone, as the first cell phone for Apple Company, is very cool, I have to say. But cell phone is cell phone, a useful toy, but still a toy. $600 is over the budget for toys, do not you agree? Maybe we should wait for the product cycle get to the peak point, thus consumers like us can enjoy low price and much mature product functions.
Anyway, my economical, well functioned, new toy will arrive TODAY, OH~YEAH~~
晚上, 姑姑阿姨们过来看我,也只能强打精神,不多时就趴在爸爸的腿上昏睡过去。
待人散去,爬上床, 不知过了多久被人摇醒, 灌药。一早醒来,确实好了不少。
我妈说, 你爸为了你半夜1点半跑出去给你买药, 为了不错过每一家药店,连车也没打,走了半个城市。。。
我的心一下子就酸了, 虽然新乡市还没有冷到哈尔滨那样, 但是晚上一点多在外面走也不是闹着玩儿的。
很多时候, 我觉得我的文字苍白,乏味, 甚至有些annoying.
因为, 无论我怎么摆排它们,也无法表达出父母对我那深至骨髓的关怀。
年初的颓唐; 年中的得意; 以及年末的挣扎, 都是以往不曾经历的。
回想2006年的新年,我们是在拉斯韦加斯度过的,韦加斯的奢华与璀璨,幸福中的贾MM和她的男友,都让我们对扑簌的未来乐观不已。然而那时我,是在事业的最低谷,像个溺水的人, 只想自救, 哪怕是只有根稻草也好。
三个月以后, 我把抓到的那个稻草插在了头上, 把自己买了。 那为数不多的钱, 将原本可以自由支配的时间买走了一大半。 可是内心里是幸福的,至少,是一种归属感。然而, 工作像是个过滤器,部分学校知识被狠狠地沉淀为了糟粕,使我一方面忧心忡忡怕生活就此变为了糟粕的堆积,另一方面又懵懵懂懂的暗喜,感觉有了一丝半毫的方向感。
六个月以后, 那根稻草骤然变为压垮骆驼的最后一根稻草,怎么样的描述都不足以表达我当时的的挣扎,那昼夜不分的运转,那多方而来的压力,那始料未及的起伏, 都是那样的情理之中,却又意料之外。 我承认在多面打拼中我输了一场战斗, 但是, 我还没有输掉整场战役。 也就在这种难以名状的情形下 2007年开始了。
07年的伊始, 我又和贾MM拥抱了, 她说:不幸福了。 太多事情你是很难预料又无法猜测的。 也许正是因为如此, 我们才更需要被鞭策着努力去生活。那么亲爱的贾MM, 我们就再狠狠的拥抱一下, 拍拍你的肩说:给自己一点时间, 再难的选择题也是会有解的。
MB3的妹妹问我07的new year resolutions 是什么, 我说:pass my test; get straight As in school; make my way to NY. 挺贪心的, 但是我相信07会是真的不同。