I just came cross these bags whiles I was browsing around.Although there are other big name brands, it is still my favorite out of all the brands....and please do not tell me you do not know who are they..

Ok, here is the thing; yesterday was Min’s Farewell party. She called me quite a few times to confirm whether I would come, Of course I would, first of all, she is a great gal and one of my best friends; second, this girl has been working unbelievable hard to pursue she dreams. And now she got accepted for PhD program from Stanford, I could not be happier for her. It is definitely the time to celebrate her success and say good bye to the city she stayed over 5 years.
(left: C and I we have to have such funny roommate pic every time.)
(right: Min and I, the new Stanford PhD is somewhat wasted now.)
Over the phone I was asking what is party going to look like. She said that just friends hanging out, drinking, eating and chatting. Ok, I thought, I can do that.
C went with me, coz we both love Min. The party was not start until 10pm, apparent this girl invited the whole school. But that was fun, seeing some long-time-no-see acquaintances, meeting some new people, finding out how she and he and we are all connected through each other. The party would be a normal quiet one if Nicole did not put that CD in.
The loud music trigged chaos, people started switching orange juice to vodka, the lights were not bright, dance started immediately. More and more empty vodka bottles on the floor, the crowd went wilder and wilder. I figured that the only way to enjoy a party is to become a part of it. Sure, I never a big fun with parting, clubbing and drunk dancing, but hey, if everybody else can enjoy it this way, why should not I?
So .. yeah.. here I was, holding a cup of …could not recall the name of that drink, and dance with bunch drunker.
(left, me dancing with C; Right, me dancing with Sarah)
It was great, actually. Nothing bad happened. Min is a light drinker and got drunk pretty quickly, when the party towards to the end, she started hugging everyone and saying good bye and how much she gonna miss us. Min sounded like crying but I could not see her face.
C and I left at 2 am. When we stepped out the building, leaving the music behind us, I thought good luck Min, you always the best!
副副标题 :彻底的自恋一回, 忘记我是谁。。
就这样,2007年的复活节, 我吊儿郎当一个人,飞到了这座喧闹的不夜城。以前无论去哪里都会有当地亲友团接待,这是我第一次完全一个人的信天游,拉斯韦加斯来了好多次了,每次都是从加州开车来, 飞, 还是第一次, 一下飞机立马就觉得自个儿~~相~~当~~信~~~。趿拉着双拖鞋, 一个人, 毫无目的, 毫无表情, 既不像个豪赌成性的二奶 (太穷);也不像个迫不及待挣夜薪的小妹 (太瘦);连个外地进城观光的凯子都不太像 (太酷)。
所谓堵城, 机场里都是五步一老虎机,十步一彩票台,但是俺并不想赌钱;
O 和 Opera 这个jia mm喜欢, 可惜她不在。
Blue man, 这个前年看过了, 真后悔当时被他们从观众席中挑出来,拉着, 还是没敢上台,小王当时可真嫩, 太逊了!
Chippddales, 全是肌肉男, 这个没准去看看。
一个人出来玩最大的不爽, 就是没人给你照相, 那也没啥, 自拍吧, 虚假奔跑中的小王。
酒店的床可真舒服, 拉斯韦加斯就是这点好, 不管你白天输了多少钱, 把自己放平了,还是舒坦的。 晚饭的时候, 同桌是一对gay, 两个人一个劲的说我的face 应该上TV, 哈哈,gay们总是比非gay更好相处,特贴心,总是能把好听话说到哀家心坎儿上; 第二天早餐, 坐在旁边的金发女人,胸前挂着盘子一般大的双C标志项链, 说:你可以去给Christine Dior 做代言, 当时把俺感动得差点站起来, 向她身鞠一恭,泪汪汪的说: 你又不是星探,说这些P话做啥?!见到了无数美女, 见到了少许帅哥, 看了两部电影, 叫了shuttle. 米沃, 我就要回来了。
机场欢送的大牌子是这样写的 “Hope you come again, again , and again…. Only Vegas.” 哈哈哈哈, 韦加斯特色阿~~。
Kiss good bye.
1. The Rich think of the Big Picture, while the Poor lost in Detail.
2. The Poor trade their time for money the rich work their money.
3. The Poor think Cash Flow, the Rich think Capital.
4. The Poor build their Cash Flow while the Rich build their Capital.
5. The Poor save their Money.
6. The Poor try to pay off their Home.
7. The Poor decrease their Debt while the Rich maximize their Borrowings.
8. The Poor like to Trade.
9. The Poor spend their Cash Flow while the Rich spend their Capital.
10. The Poor think Scarcity while the Rich think Abundance.
11. The Poor believe that life happens to them while the Rich believe they Control Their Lives.
12. The Poor think small while the Rich think Big.
13. The Poor are scared of Failure.
14. The Poor think they know it all and don’t need to be taught to become wealthy. The Rich understand that they need to ask questions, have mentors and join a mastermind group.
鉴于小王同志需要增重, 所以就迷上了鸡翅。
那些葬送在小王厨刀下的chicken wing 阿~~,愿你们来世投胎都做鸟。
更背一点的就是别人的方子上用得料, 自己家里全没有。
那也没啥, 小王是多么神奇啊,
把袖子往上一掳, 把厨房柜门一开,
没过期的,都用来腌鸡翅, 哦也~~
这次放了:酱油, 香油,橄榄油;烧烤酱, 黑胡椒; 有蜂蜜, 有红糖;最后还加了些蒜末,姜末,五香粉。
做饭这东西就跟写文章也差不多吧, 耍的是不拘一格降人才的范儿, 同志们就不要八股辣, 哈哈, 俺们家经常缺这少那, 需要东拼西凑, 因陋就简, 急中生智, 然后歪打正着的吃上饭。不易啊~~~
然后把这些东西和鸡翅腌在一起,过夜最好, 又入味, 又省的看表。
卖相是这个样子 (较比难看):
第二天一早,连盆丢进烤箱, 350度,一个小时。
这一个小时小王用来洗了个澡, 叠了被,收拾了房间, 喝了杯清肠茶。
PS为了卖相更好些, 小王把烤出的汤汁倒掉, 又单烤了他们2分钟。
PPS: 为了更入味,小王在每个鸡翅上又残忍的捅了几刀。
PPS: 黑芝麻是后来加的, 不是一般的味美哇~~