非礼勿看; 非礼勿言; 非礼勿听
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
工作上了正轨以后,老板每天甩来的都是mission impossible. 那么好吧我坐在那里恳吃恳吃的忙,你们都不要来烦我。 不想说话,也不想微笑。
和小C电话粥, 告诉她我再也不喝酒了,quit it for sure, 我说。 她惊叫着说为什么为什么, 然后就是上个周末她又多high 多high。 我说, 下回再出去, 我可以做司机, 因为看样子我会是唯一一个sober 的, 只要你们不吐在我车里就好。 小C 大叫表示赞同。
为什么不开心,现在早忘了,只记得半夜惊起, 大汗汉淋沥,心跳隐约, 打开厨房的窗, 大口大口的呼吸窗外的空气, 像一条溺水的鱼。 那个刹那无力到不知要给谁打电话, 只能坚信自己是死不了的。 酒精伤身,烟草加速衰老, 而我, 要好好的待自己。
小C 小A 依旧叫嚷着要去这个BAR 那个CLUB ,也没什么不好, 她们都还在即可以提前GROW UP, 或者, 如果她们愿意, 依旧可以REMAIN STUPID的年龄, 而我, 真的要好好的待自己。
所以只得浪费老爸那千杯不醉的基因,作一个BORING 的人, 把有限的精力投入到无限的mission impossible 上。
十种最有特点的中国人 (copy)
Monday, June 25, 2007
当俺大声说出来这个想法的时候, 孙小猴应到,这话能被你说可真是难得。
哎, 是真的,大家都误会我了, 我真的只想做个家庭主妇。 这个想法出国前就很根深了。漂在北京的那三年,一个人, 骑着个破单车, 传过林林总总的胡同,住宅,家属区, 最不堪的便是晚饭时段, 阵阵饭香从无数桔色的窗中飘出, 自己, 一个人,骑着个破单车, 颓丧的认为,被全世界给抛弃了。 那个时候俺便深刻的认识到,有个家是多么的重要,多么的必要,多么的紧要。
您看, 俺就这样直接跳过了恋爱啦, 男友啦,约会啦 等章节,直接进入两性关系的主题,婚姻和家庭。 可是数多年来,作为一个长得不丑人也不坏勤奋上进自力更生的好姑娘, 俺竟然未能完成宿愿. 人生啊,真是几多拧巴几多愁。
俺的悲惨经历带给大家的启发便是,大跃进型的方式,种田行不通,培养感情也不通, 结婚之前的那些章节实属必须,不得跳跃。 那么,如果您不兴,同我一样沦为了优秀大龄女青年,那您也不要期待着一场完美的艳遇啥的啥的了, 还期待一场完美的包办婚姻吧。
另外, 如果您是一位优秀的大龄男青年, 您的下场大概也是这个样子滴。
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Friday, June 15, 2007
年轻貌美的, 小资调调十足的,隔三岔五用法语在MSN上换名字的小杨同学, 再次与我重建了对儿闲小分队, 这一次我们在一个阳光明媚的下午冲到了米城美术馆 (Milwaukee Art Museum).
去看印象派大师Pissarro 的画展,之所以称之大师是因为这位叔叔曾经和莫奈和塞上一起做画,虽然这是也俺第一次听这个名字。
对于一个外行来说,我觉的画的都挺好的,不知为啥那两位叔叔就名气就更大一些。 一脸内行表情的小样同学, 在一幅名画前驻足三分钟, 神色专注,然后轻叹一声, 说, ‘这哥们儿画的直线可真直。。。’就因为这句话小王同学的小宇宙也震撼了, 立马就觉得在思想认识上与小杨同学拉近了50迈的距离。
我把小样关到笼子里去啦 (小王经典摄影作品)
早晨上网,碰到了风流倜傥的, 个高英俊的, 踌躇满志的茄哥。 在各自抒发了内心的小不爽以后, 签订了‘如果三十还嫁不出去就内部解决’的双边协议。 您看,一位身在里斯本的MBA与一位身在密沃的金融分析在一个阳光明媚的早晨用期货的方式有效的解决了宇宙间最令人头痛的婚恋问题,如果这样的人生都不能被称做彪悍的话,还有什么敢用彪悍二字?!当然了 双方也是可以用hedging 的方式来适当减轻此协议的风险,毕竟计划是赶不上变化的哇。
最近很喜欢Amy Winehouse 的 rehab. 这个充满着trailer girl 气息的问题姑娘,如今都上了RollingStone 的封面, 这说明了, 咸鱼都会有翻身的机会, 等等就好。
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
闲人忙事 (1)
我准备将这10来天给流水下来, 否则闲都白闲了。
上个星期六,和年轻貌美的室友 小A 去了Six Flags, 不知道是不是因为门口插了六个国旗就取了这个名字,反正揍是一个大游乐场。 我们一行12个人, 从早晨9点出发, 一直玩到了晚上10点, 人家关门。 期间的大部分的时间, 小王同学都是头朝下,,,惊叫着, 因为刺激的都是各种各样的过山车, 而这一次,有恐高症的小王决定睁着眼睛,看 ,天旋地转。小A 和我将垂直落体,加速旋转外带后空翻转体两周半, 直上直下拿人不当人乱甩等各种挑战心理极限的游戏一一玩遍, 骤然觉得人生立刻就又彪悍了好几倍。然后去玩旋转飞车, 坐在我们前后的是平均年龄不足十岁的小朋友,可就是这么个难度系数为0的小飞车上, 小A同学拧了脖子。 这说明了1. 在安全范围内声称勇敢是件很容易的事, 2, 做人还是表嚣张,不定什么时候就在小阴沟里翻了船。 出了游乐场,一行人开到steak & shake, 叫了牛排和奶昔,完美结束这一天。
和小A, 小马,去法国店,,, 吃饭。
和小A ,去印度店,,,吃饭。
和小Z, 去中国店,,,吃饭。
和小猴, 去朋友家,,,吃饭。
另一个年轻貌美的女司机,小杨同学,她否定了我将吃鸡腿定位‘有益身心’ 的活动这一提案, 并提出做一次‘短小精悍’的郊游的想法。 所以我们对儿闲小分队就驱车到了Cedarburg, 一个很可爱的小town。 所有的高层建筑都在两层以下, 小店铺都是路边的居家改建, 街道不大但干净有序。 小杨和我将车停在路边,蹦达下来四处闲逛。 在一家类似于bath $ body 性质的小店, 我们极度厚脸皮的将各种lotion往身上涂, 直到小杨轻声嘀咕,‘不涂了,再涂我都要肿了’才作罢; 在一家巧克力店里, 我们又极度厚脸皮的试吃人家好几块巧克力,小杨过意不去,买了个巧克力球, 我以牙痛为由,拒绝付钱, 哈哈; 在winery 品了N多葡萄酒以后,开始四处posing照相。 这个小镇在密尔沃基北边不到一小时,可却照出了浓浓的欧洲风情。
对儿闲小分队甚喜,一通狂照。 PS 一下, 小杨同学照相可牛嗒, 一下揍照出了俺的最新favorite, 表扬,表扬。 俺的上一张最耐 是三个月前。
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
“Don’t Hate Me Because I’m Beautiful…”
I copied it from somewhere else, just thought it is funny, and somewhat true.
“Don’t Hate Me Because I’m Beautiful…”
A friend of mine moved into a new condo tower a few months back. Slowly but surely, she’s been meeting people in the building and making some new friends there. The building is largely filled with young urbanites, many of whom are single. Unfortunately, there are a group of women in the building who clearly don’t like her. They have no valid reason for their dislike… She’s been friendly and outgoing, yet they’ve basically snubbed and rebuffed her - organized activities for “the girls” but not invited her, barely said “hello” when she greets them - that sort of thing.
It would seem she’s facing that all too common “insecure-female” syndrome.
You see, she’s a tall, attractive, successful, single woman in her 30’s. For those fragile ego types, that spells “threatening”. She told me a story about how she and a friend went to a New Year’s party and one woman there was openly GLARING at her the moment she entered the room. It was so obvious and overt that her friend started laughing about it.
But you hear it all the time - women saying, (jokingly or not), “Oh, she’s so thin, I hate her!”, or words to that effect. We have a culture that has made it OK, even encouraged, women to “hate” or dislike anyone whom we perceive to have something we don’t. Instead of appreciating someone else’s talents, wisdom or beauty, too many people see it as an indictment of themselves, and a threat.
Unfortunately, this fucked-up attitude seems to be more prevalent with women than men, and it pisses me off when women are that willfully stupid. As Instigatrix said, “You know, I really DO hate boneheads, but bonehead WOMEN have a SPECIAL place in the crack of my ass.”
Even though I’m not as young or gorgeous as my friend, I still have experienced the attempts at ostracism from threatened females, largely because I am outgoing, intelligent, I don’t play dumb, and I can talk with the guys about computers and power tools, and other geeky stuff that they find interesting. I am unusual in that I am a very technically savvy female. Just because a guy finds that interesting doesn’t mean he wants to sleep with me, or that I want to sleep with him. All the protestations of Harry (When Harry Met Sally) aside, sometimes a man and woman can just have a conversation because they share mutual interests. I know of one case where my name is apparently *verboten* in the household because she is so threatened by me (and I’ve never even MET her), and another where I was hated by the wife because I could talk about work with her husband and she didn’t understand any of it.
Fer Chrissakes women, get a goddamn grip! If you can’t talk to your partner about stuff that is important or interesting to him, find someone more compatible, or, heaven forefend, open a damn book and learn something that you can both share an interest in. Knowing about computers, or cars, or finances is a useful skill regardless. YOU could actually benefit. I’m not talking about becoming a sycophant and taking up all HIS interests so you can have something in common, but if you don’t share any mutual interests, and he’s not willing to take up any of yours, why are you together? Hot sex can only carry a relationship so far… (believe me, I know).
Why oh why do these women immediately see an attractive woman as a threat? Do they think she’ll steal away their boyfriends or husbands? I see two immediate problems with that theory: a) They are expecting that the boyfriend/husband is such a catch that she’d want him, and b) if he’s so untrustworthy, and so unhappy with you that he could be wooed into bed (or beyond) by another woman, What the Hell Are You Doing With Him? Dump the fucker already!
Nobody ever got seduced out of a wonderful, loving, good relationship. Stop blaming and hating other women who have done nothing but look good, or have a conversation with your hubby, just because you are riddled with insecurities. Get some fucking therapy or get out of the relationship. Hell, get therapy regardless.
I’m going to throw a little psychological monkey-wrench in here just for good measure. I think that women who are paranoid about their guy getting seduced by another woman, are in fact projecting their own fears about themselves onto the guy. At some level, she’s so unhappy and uncomfortable that if the right guy came up and wooed her, she’d fall for it. Because she feels susceptible, she figures her partner must be too.
All that being said, I don’t think it’s cool, funny, or acceptable for the female manipulator types to swoop in and deliberately break up an unstable couple as some kind of power/ego-trip. (I get plenty of membership applications from misguided women who think that being a Heartless Bitch means using and abusing those who are susceptible, and breaking up couples for fun). Those types need a stiletto rammed firmly up their asses too.
And then, there are the “Pecking Order” Alpha Female types. The ones that have to be the Top Dog in all situations. Everyone has to agree with them. They have to be the one to give the best advice. They either rule by belittling and praising or by “mothering” everyone around them. Those that resist the attempts to exact conformity are ostracized. You see this most commonly in high-school cliques, but sadly, it persists well into adulthood, and out into the working world. I worked in one office where it was clear the Alpha Female didn’t like me because I didn’t always agree with her, and spoke my own mind. There were several subjects where I also knew far more than she did, and she didn’t like to be corrected when she expounded on something she clearly had limited knowledge of. One must never contradict the Alpha Female.
Heh. I just see THAT kind of behavior as a big, red button that says, “Push Me” on it.
It was obvious that she didn’t like me, but she wasn’t openly hostile - she was smarter than that - her manipulation was calculated and controlled. Never-the-less, it was clear that I wasn’t “one of the girls”, which suited me just fine. I found it all rather amusing, like being an observer in a psychology experiment. You see, I shucked off any need for that kind of approval or group-acceptance back in junior high, when it was clear that to be part of the “in” crowd, you had to accept the “queen” belittling you in front of others. She did it to everyone. I was part of the “in” group for a very short time until I made it clear that I wouldn’t be pressured into doing anything I didn’t want to do (like smoke), and I wouldn’t tolerate the insult-laden ego-propping behavior.
That didn’t make me a loner - it just meant that I found better people to be friends with. Fortunately, there are women out there who are not insecure, backbiting, manipulative assholes. You don’t have to give up having friends just because you refuse to play some stupid female pecking-order game. That being said, I’ve never felt the need to be part of an all girl group. From time-to-time I have been, due to circumstances, but it’s not something that I can’t live without, nor something that I specifically seek out. Give me the mixed company of a few close friends, and I’m happy. Sure, I have my close female friends, but even then, I won’t tolerate shithead behavior just because we are “girlfriends” and I certainly won’t excuse boneheadedness for the sake of “sisterhood”. I’ll be supportive, but I won’t be a soppy crying rag - especially for woes that come from self-inflicted injuries (that’s what you pay a therapist for). I’ve told more than one person to “shit or get off the pot” because they started getting emotional hemorrhoids from sitting on the self-pity-pot for too long. If your shit stinks, I’ll tell you, and I expect the same in return. By the same token, I’ll celebrate your talents, beauty, knowledge and skills - I’ll cheer you on when you are tackling a big challenge, running a race, or opening an art exhibit, and watch your back when you fight the good fight.
Remember, Real Heartless Bitches(tm) aren’t threatened by someone having more money, greater beauty, a better job, a cuter boyfriend, or more talent. Heartless Bitches know who they are, and they are damned proud of it. They know in their hearts, that no matter what society might think of them, they ARE beautiful. They also couldn’t give a fart (much less a shit) about someone who hates them because of that.
副标题: 彪悍的人生不需要解释。。
昨天上午哀家去wal-mart 买了电钻, 钢钉,机油; 下午和小杨在Tj-maxx 买了条裙子和一件小薄毛衣。
俺决定, 穿着俺的小红毛衣套着新买的裙子,左手持钢钉;右手握电钻,,,往墙上,,,打眼儿。
Monday, June 11, 2007
Thursday, June 7, 2007
2. 素质奖:重庆市委宣传部长张宗海,常年在五星级酒店包养漂亮未婚本科女大学生17人。