Sunday, December 9, 2007

why do we read diaries?

Dear Janet
Did you read Dec 10th 2007's New Yorker? haha go and find the article "Work up this morning, why do we read diaries."
I think we both under the 'superego' category, according to the author. hahah maybe she is right, it makes me laugh to think this kinda classification.
And I found this sentence is extremely funny. "the rule is perverse, because all writing is about control, and writing a diary is a way to control the day - to have, as it were the last word."
I bet you gonna enjoy it.


PS. see, " writen for the eyes of others", that's so 'superego' ^_^


Janet said...

Dear Ivy,

I was just about to read that article when I saw your post, how weird is that!

BTW, to make this more for the public eye...I haven't heard from him for a week, so I think it's time to give up.

I'm going to be really sad if I don't hear from him at all on my birthday, so you'd have to call me to cheer me up :)

Me said...

Dear, of coz, that is at least I can do.