Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Books I have been reading lately
The Dewey Color System for Relationships
You: Your endearing puppy-dog eyes and tone of voice express real concern. People are magnetically drawn to you. Truly listening to others is your greatest power, and it makes you a natural in relationships. You need to feel what your partner feels – her joy and pain. Shared emotions become treasured justifications that you two exist as one. Your desire to live the romantic dream is sexy. (pg 61)
What to do with you: What he wants is two-way open communication. …. Listen is all you have to do. …If you offer advice, know that he heard you – even though his initial lack of response can make you feel that he didn’t. It just takes him longer to process information about his feelings. (pg 62)
Commons: OMG
Why Can’t You Shut Up?
A every good book. I started years ago and never got chance to finish.
I am trying to finish it this time.
Saturday, February 23, 2008
神奇的小王 (16)
Since I was so successful with the steak I made weeks ago, I believe I can just get pork to a higher level. It is still very very easy and only takes about 10 to 15 min.
all you need are pork, (1/2 inch thick seems pretty good, it is easy to cook and fast for the flavor to get in the meat) salt, steak spice, soy souce, cumin (孜然 in Chinese).
Dash salt and steak spices on the pork, both side if you like stronger taste.
Note: maybe you want put less salt than how you do on beef, coz we gonna add soy souce later, and you do not want your pork get too salty to eat then.
Spray oil on the bottom of your cooking pan,
lay your pork in it.
add soy souce, wait for 3 min and flip the pork over and add some more soy souce on the other side, stay for another 3 min.
(turn your stove power to high )
Ready to eat.
Dash cumin for an exotic flavor.
I guess you will enjoy it as much as beef.
Friday, February 22, 2008
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Monday, February 18, 2008
神奇的小王 (15)
Since it would be another big snow very soon, I figured that it might be a better idea to stock my refrigerator now and no going gorcery for a week or two to avoid driving on the snow. Then again, I hate to leave food in teh refrige forever. So once I have something, I cook it right a way. So here we go.
Step 1
Wash cauliflower, cut or break it into pieces. It won't matter much if it is little bit bigger or smaller. In my theory, they all look the same in your stomach.
Step 2
spread vegi oil, I also cut half inch butter and put in with oil. It just for a richer flavor (Optional, but recommended)
chopped onion, stir for 15 sec and put cauliflowers in
Step 3
dump cauliflowers, add 1/2 cup of chick broth, if you do not have chick broth just add water. (actually, authentic chick broth is quick easy to make, I will put the process on once I do my grocery again.)
leave it simmering for a few min (if you want your cauliflower softer then leave it longer, otherwise shorter. Chef makes the decision.)
Step 4
When it is almost done, add salt.
Just for the fun of it add whatever you would like to, I spread several salted peanuts and cooked shrimp.
Simmering for another one min.
Step 5
All ready.
I always to dash some black sesame just for the look. Ok I know just said, they all look the same once they get to your stomach, but sesame is good for you anyways. And put som cilantro is always my add-some-color trick.
Attention: DO NOT forget to drop some sesame oil before eat it. It just taste soooo much better with sesame oil
Note: I just learned that cauliflower is actually has very high nutirional density. It is low in fat, high in dietary fiber folate and vitamin C. It becomes my sencond favorate vegetable next to spinach.
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Subtitle: Beer Beef Stew
Since I got this ‘never sleeps’ big-apple-disease, I decided to use my extra energy on food.
Step 1
Peal the potato, cut them into big pieces.
Chuck of beef (about 1.5 inches thick), chop into big pieces too.
Step 2
Dump everything into slow cooker, use beer instead of water.
Fill it with BEER till it almost covers the beef.
Turn the power level to high.
Step 3
After a few hours, when the beef is half way ready, dash salt.
I recommend less is better, since you can always add at the end.
Stew in the slow cooker for another a few hours.
I will say step 2+ step 3 =6 hours.
By then the beef stew is actually ready, however, since slow cooker heats food without fire. There are always too much juice and oil left. The following steps are optional but strong recommended.
Spoon out the oil floating on the top. In terms of health it is bad to intake too much oil for human body; in terms of taste.... do I need to say more? So dump those oil if you wish, or save for other cooking if you were as economic as I am.
Anyhow step 4
Remove everything to a big pot, turn the fire power to high. The purpose of doing so is have beef absorb more flavors from the juice as well as to add more salt if it is not salty enough. Keep stewing on the stove for another half hour, or as long as you like it. (But you better check it once in a few min incase beef gets burned)
Step 5
Beautifully done and ready to eat. OK.... I know it does not look too good, for one because my camera is not hi-tech enough to make things better then how they are, two....come on...this is stew...
Tips: I actually have more cooking spices, if you do not know what to use, slice some ginger (about thumb size) and add soy source.
Friday, February 15, 2008
It is all over but the crying
Maybe I have to bring back my mid-night Vodka days.
That is just sad...
Thursday, February 14, 2008
too little too late (title has nothing to do with the content below)
I was just going to group those people who took my class under my gmail account. However, I accidentally hit the ‘sent’ key. Thus over hundreds of my contacts received a blank email from me yesterday.
Anyhow, it turned out to be a pretty interesting study here. Within 24 hours, I received 14 emails asking ‘why is nothing here’ ‘did u forget attachment something?’ ‘how come it is blank’…… on top of those, two people MSNed me right away asking ‘what is up?’ ‘do u know u send a empty email?’ on top of those, 3 people called me over the phone. Add all up, it is 19 out of 145 people replied, meaning, approximately 13.1% of my social circle are care me enough to make the effort to ask about this abnormal behavior.
Is 13.1% a bigger or small number? Is it a question of the higher the number is the better your social life would be? Who knows.
Just want to take the time thank everyone who somehow cared and slightly sorry for the interruption.
I love you all~~
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Baking is overrated
Anyhow, I never had those before, but I figured they can not be too hard, since there was a girl who said to me once with full proud and confidence: “I do not cook, but I can bake.”
Turn out, her IQ fluctuates around room temperature, and that is in her good days. Make long story short, here we go, dumbest-of-them-all baking style.
Open those packages, place them on your cooking pans.
Preheat oven to 350F, place them into oven.
Dinner roll takes only 12 min, cookies stay another 3 min longer.
Leave cookies in the oven for another 3 min after you turn the heat off for a tender-crispy taste.
And that is all about it. Even if you substitute your brain to a rock or a watermelon you still can say that ‘…but I can bake’ crap proudly. And as you can see, it does look pretty OK.
Cookies are little bit too sweet, I won’t make them again, dinner rolls are alright and the calories from fat are tolerable. I got bored by making them (or should I say BAKING them) in such atrophied-brain fashion; let’s have some fun with dinner rolls in a more playful way next week.
will see
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Friday, February 8, 2008
很好, 很强大
亲爱的娜娜要结婚了, 打电话给她。
我: 不公平, 咱俩儿是双胞胎, 凭啥你先结。
娜娜: 没事儿, 没事儿, 我好你就好。
我: 那你生了孩子,我是不是咱儿子的干妈?
娜娜: 那当~昂~然是你了。
我: 。。可是。。。那样的话。。我算不算是未婚先有子啊?。。。
娜娜。。。。(晕倒, 手机落地)
娜娜: 等你生了孩子,我也是干妈喽?
我: 嗯。。(坚定的点头)
娜娜: 。。。那样的话。。我算不算有二胎啊?。。。
我: (舒心)嗯。很好, 很和谐。。
娜娜: 你过年都吃啥了呀?
我: 啥也没吃, 大雪封山出不了门啦。。。
娜娜: 嗯, 不怕, 我替你吃。
我: (仇恨的)谢谢啊, 七年了, 你哪年不替我吃?
娜娜: 所谓够朋友。。。
我: 现在几斤?
娜娜: 110, 你几斤?
我: 87
娜娜: 啊啊 啊~~我比你重23斤吗?
我: 嗯, 可见你这几年没有辜负我, 7年就吃出了23斤的差距。
娜娜: (怒)表刺激我啊。。。
我: 其实也没啥, 一天多长一钱肉并不难, 难的是像你这样每天都长一钱肉, 7年不间断。(大笑大笑)
娜娜: (恼羞成怒)闭嘴! 敢回来我就砍了你。
娜娜: 唉, 你都去了7年了, 人生将近1/3的时间都在国外了。
我: 嗯。。很快就1/2了。。
娜娜: 然后就是3/4, 4/5, 5/6….
我: 啊呀, 我还以为你见不得阿拉伯数字儿呢?(娜, 高中时痛恨数学)
娜娜:(谦虚的)还好, 10以内还好。。
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Good Night, Moon
There's a nail in the door
And there's glass on the lawn
Tacks on the floor
And the TV is on
And I always sleep with my guns when you're gone
There's a blade by the bed
And a phone in my hand
A dog on the floor
And some cash on the nightstand
When I'm all alone the dreaming stops
And I just can't stand
What should I do I'm just a little baby
What if the lights go out
And maybe and then the wind just starts to moan
Outside the door he followed me home
So goodnight moon
I want the sun
If it's not here soon
I might be done
No it won?t be too soon 'til I say goodnight moon
There's a shark in the pool
And a witch in the tree
A crazy old neighbor and he's been watching me
And there's footsteps loud and strong coming down the hall
Something's under the bed
Now it's out in the hedge
There's a big black crow sitting on my window ledge
And I hear something scratching through the wall
What should I do I'm just a little baby
What if the lights go out
And maybe and then the wind just starts to moan
Outside the door he followed me home
So goodnight moon
I want the sun
If it's not here soon
I might be done
No it won't be too soon 'til I say goodnight moon
OK.. I will let you go....
You don't have to live a double life just because your sign is symbolized by two fish. Your interests are so varied that others may have a hard time keeping up with you. No matter what you appear to be doing, your real focus now should be on your inner world as you explore uncharted areas of your imagination.
Life has been pretty good to me...I really should not complain anymore, only if I can ignor my 'inner world' as my horoscope mentioned... Really, I've got enough goodies from life...more than enough...most of time. I really appreciated...
I will still keep putting on some cooking tips, that is at least I can do. Check them out and take a good care of yourself. You will do just as great as it could be without me in bothyour career and life in general.
Monday, February 4, 2008
Another super super easy dish you can make for yourself. And that is ok if you do not have a slow cooker. You can just use your rice cook as long as you put enough extra water, and pay a little bit more attention on timing, coz otherwise you just make rice in the end. ^_^
from top, clockwise they are black rice, red beans, sticky rice, peanuts and lotus seeds.
But really you do not have to follow exactly what I have here, anything you can find will be ok, I guess. even you only rice, or green beans. I put whole a lot because I just read an article baout red colored food suppose be very good for your blood vessels and something something good with your blood. But I do suggest you to get some lotus seeds, they are not only healthy but also yummy.
dump everything in a slow cooker, (in your case, for now, rice cooker. )
3 or 4 cups of water, depends on how many stuff you have, I love to put more than enough water to make it watery.
Put slow cooker on 'Low', (in your case, 'on'.)
And then go to sleep. (in you case, I do not know if you can do this, you may need to watch out, or maybe you can, just try out. )
Wake up next morning, meaning, after 8 hours, this is how it looks like.
Add honey, if you like milky taste, add milk.
My experience: milk is always good.
Tips: I heard slow cooker is very engery consuming, I use it often know... I do not pay for electricity in my apt. But I have no idea how much electicity it would consume overnight. Now give it a second thought, stove and big pot will do the same work if you attempt extra care.
Let me know how do you like it?
Saturday, February 2, 2008
神奇的小王 (11)
It is as easy as it sounds.
What: soft Tofu, green onion, cilantro, salt and sesame oil.
How : cut tofu into pieces, the size and shape won't matter much since you gonna blend everything later on and they gonna be shapeless anyway.
chop onion and cilantro as thin as you can (wash them first, btw).
mix everything and add sesame oil and salt, it is totally depends no your own taste , sesame oil is always good for a authentic oriental dish.
this should be heath and easy to prepare. Did you try the steamed eggs yet? What else you want to eat?
Since the whole building is using energy saving light balls, my kitchen lighting is not as good as before, although it was not good neither. anyhow, hope that can help you get a basic idea what is in it (left is chopped cilantro and right is chopped green onions).
And.... drink warm water instead of cold water, k?
Friday, February 1, 2008
2 eggs, cooked shrimp (optional), salt, big bowl.
Mix eggs with 1 cup (or ¾ cup) of water. The point is that 1 cup of water makes it tender, ¾ cup of water makes it taste more eggy.
Dash salt (I suggest not to put too much slat, you can always add more salt if it is not salty enough),
Put in shrimp, but totally ok, if you do not have those. It just add some seafood flavor to eggs. Mix them well.
Put bowl into the big pot. Make sure the egg is only half way full in the bowl, it will ‘grow’ while you steam them. Fill water in the big pot, water should be half high of the bowl. Not too much water in the pot since when water boils it is easily spill into the bowl and dilutes the eggs, nor too little of water, the pot will dry once the water became steam. Anyhow, put on the lid, turn the stove to high for 15 min – 20 min.
Put some sesame oil or vinegar for richer flavor. Although it does not look so good from the picture, I am sure you will like how it taste, you do not even have to chew them.
PS, Do not forget yellow banana, Jello is so not nutritious.神奇的小王 (9)
Steak, yet not quite steak, I like to use really thin-no-bone-beef, make it palm size (your palm, not mine). Thus faster to cook and easier for the taste get into the meat.
Total cooking time include preparation is less than 10min, should be manageable for ya. ^_^
Basically, you only need salt and steak spice.
Dash salt and steak spice on the surface, both sides if you want it tastier.
Spray vegetable oil on the bottom of cooking pan.
Lay steak on the pan, turn the stove to medium. Leave if for about 2 or 3 min, and then flip over. Leave this side for another 2 min or however you like it to be done, rare, medium, well done, you are the cook after all.
Baby spinach and cilantro, since I run out baby spinach that green thing on the bottom is cabbage. Trustme, baby spinach is much better.
Tips: beef is relatively harder to digest than poultry, so please chew couple more times before you swallow, say 25 times. It taste better that way too.