Anyhow, I never had those before, but I figured they can not be too hard, since there was a girl who said to me once with full proud and confidence: “I do not cook, but I can bake.”
Turn out, her IQ fluctuates around room temperature, and that is in her good days. Make long story short, here we go, dumbest-of-them-all baking style.
Open those packages, place them on your cooking pans.
Preheat oven to 350F, place them into oven.
Dinner roll takes only 12 min, cookies stay another 3 min longer.
Leave cookies in the oven for another 3 min after you turn the heat off for a tender-crispy taste.
And that is all about it. Even if you substitute your brain to a rock or a watermelon you still can say that ‘…but I can bake’ crap proudly. And as you can see, it does look pretty OK.
Cookies are little bit too sweet, I won’t make them again, dinner rolls are alright and the calories from fat are tolerable. I got bored by making them (or should I say BAKING them) in such atrophied-brain fashion; let’s have some fun with dinner rolls in a more playful way next week.
will see
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