9:30 -11:00am breakfast, Okay, it was a brunch, coz I woke up so late. My new innovation of meat + noodle + raw veggies + salad dressing + pan fired egg. These were all I have in my refrigerator, and it was so damn good.
11:00 – 12:00pm Apartment hunting … in the same building. I was thinking go somewhere rather than downtown, since it is so not safe, we just got another safety alert and parking is bad too. But it is really hard to find a place like this where the rent is reasonable, includes everything even electricity, and the hard wood floor is crucial. Why do I have to move? C and I are both graduating this summer, our roommate-ship is coming to an end. A little sad but it is ok, she is great girl but I would love to have a place I can totally in charge of the life-quality-control, meaning no over night garbage, no dirty dishes in the sink, no spaghetti sauce on the floor. Anyhow, I found a studio on fifth floor, and I am signing the lease on Monday.
12:00 – 2:00pm library, checked my email…sigh~~
Dr K’s data has been sitting on my desk for 6 weeks now. I figured that if he can wait for 6 weeks, maybe he will be ok with waiting another week. So I decided go shopping instead of data mining. It is so easy to tell which one is more fun.
2:00-5:00pm Shopping in
I also went to public library on my way back. Check out a movie called ‘Prime’, never heard of it, but I do like Meryl Streep so up to give it a try. Checked out a book ‘About Alice’, also never heard of it, I just like the simple clean cover. That is all.
5:00-6:30pm dinner, eat whatever visible and eatable in kitchen.
6:30-9:30pm watch this movie in my bed with nuts and three bottles of beer. Do not ask me why, it just happened this way. It was a love story but not that kind of story you want watch again. Still, pretty good, with appreciation of each other’s existence the man and woman in this movie still decided not being together at the end, a little anti-Hollywood, yet understandable.
After 9:30 pm, read ‘About Alice’ and thinking maybe I should record my day. Maybe I write the book review after I done with it. But to be honest, it is really rare I can finish a book before its returning date, especially, I have another two books on hand already. Is that count as one of my greedy nature evidences?