Sunday, April 27, 2008

A day just gone by

9:30am woke up. I barely wake up this late, even on weekends. But since the weather just getting warm that my apartment building finally stopped the bake-you-as-a-potato-heater, yet still not too warm to stay in bed. So with this kind of guilty pleasure, I got up 2 hours late than usual.

9:30 -11:00am breakfast, Okay, it was a brunch, coz I woke up so late. My new innovation of meat + noodle + raw veggies + salad dressing + pan fired egg. These were all I have in my refrigerator, and it was so damn good.

11:00 – 12:00pm Apartment hunting … in the same building. I was thinking go somewhere rather than downtown, since it is so not safe, we just got another safety alert and parking is bad too. But it is really hard to find a place like this where the rent is reasonable, includes everything even electricity, and the hard wood floor is crucial. Why do I have to move? C and I are both graduating this summer, our roommate-ship is coming to an end. A little sad but it is ok, she is great girl but I would love to have a place I can totally in charge of the life-quality-control, meaning no over night garbage, no dirty dishes in the sink, no spaghetti sauce on the floor. Anyhow, I found a studio on fifth floor, and I am signing the lease on Monday.

12:00 – 2:00pm library, checked my email…sigh~~

Dr K’s data has been sitting on my desk for 6 weeks now. I figured that if he can wait for 6 weeks, maybe he will be ok with waiting another week. So I decided go shopping instead of data mining. It is so easy to tell which one is more fun.

2:00-5:00pm Shopping in Grand Avenue. After the gas price has soared to $3.8/G I am making most of my trip by feet now. Luckily it is not too far. I got a Kodak digital camera for NaNa’s wedding from the mall. 8 mega pixels, big lcd screen, really easy to use just press the biggest button on the top and that will be all. I did not consult anyone before I made this purchase, as a high-tech idiot I usually do, coz, heck, all those electronics are looking pretty good to me. Anyhow, since Nana is not much high-tech than me I hope this one would work, if not I also have a red envelop loaded with cash, so she can just get whatever she likes. Thoughtful huh? I know.

I also went to public library on my way back. Check out a movie called ‘Prime’, never heard of it, but I do like Meryl Streep so up to give it a try. Checked out a book ‘About Alice’, also never heard of it, I just like the simple clean cover. That is all.

5:00-6:30pm dinner, eat whatever visible and eatable in kitchen.

6:30-9:30pm watch this movie in my bed with nuts and three bottles of beer. Do not ask me why, it just happened this way. It was a love story but not that kind of story you want watch again. Still, pretty good, with appreciation of each other’s existence the man and woman in this movie still decided not being together at the end, a little anti-Hollywood, yet understandable.

After 9:30 pm, read ‘About Alice’ and thinking maybe I should record my day. Maybe I write the book review after I done with it. But to be honest, it is really rare I can finish a book before its returning date, especially, I have another two books on hand already. Is that count as one of my greedy nature evidences?

Saturday, April 26, 2008

神奇的小王 (17)

副标题: 攻占厨房最后一个死角

一直都很爱吃鱼, 却很少做, 第一是实验成本要比瓜果蔬菜高,二是那时做饭都是给d2吃, 他总是会被刺卡到。


到家就傻眼了, 这么整的一条,没破肚还带着麟。 草草草 心中暗骂三声,努力回忆着娘亲和奶奶都是怎么整的, 结果年代太久远了, 啥也想不起来了。自个儿来吧。

鱼鳞是拿steak knife 刮得, 比想象中容易, 揪着鱼尾巴往外刷刷刷, C 饶有兴趣的凑过来,像看西洋景似的嚷 OMG never seen fish this way~’然后又像个观光客般拿着相机狂照,然后就有以下这组照片。

刮鳞, 破肚,剪鳍, 扣鳃,掏内脏, 哇~ 居然是条mom fish 好多鱼籽,罪过罪过。 也掏出来, 蒸了,和香辣菜炒在一起。 高脂肪高蛋白, 吃吧~

锅放油, 烧热, 放鱼, 两边煎黄。 转大锅,加水, 加葱姜, 加料酒一点点。 到此为止一切顺利, 创意大发, 又加了豆腐, 红萝卜, 奶油玉米。 娃哈哈,色香味, 相当不错。

不过哀家恶习已深, 没人陪就不肯吃饭。 所以做好以后, 分了宏莹1/3,自己喝了1/3, 倒掉了剩下的1/3 这条鱼的使命就这样完成了。还有这已是很久以前做了, 没有正经儿做饭已经好多月 =

Friday, April 25, 2008

In Celebration of Love

This is for HongYing and her honey N, just think they are kinda cute together.
How long we have not use that 'L' word?

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Face . Book

You know there is this thing called facebook, which I barely use but if somebody writes something on my wall or sent me a message I will check it. So I checked it yesterday, and one more click I was on d2’s page. I was happily surprised by several pic of him linked from others. I was surprised because d2 is such a low key person that he won’t put his pictures online by himself, but finally there are some to see. I was happy because he looked pretty good in those b-day party pictures; he even had a hair cut and shaved.
And that is that, until second day I got hit by this thought that who is d2? He was the person I know everything of. I use to know what did he do everyday, who did he see, what funny things happened yaali yaali yaala. I use to even know what he ate, what he was wearing inside out, how many cigarettes he smoked a day ….. But now, I can only make some random assumptions guessing how his life looks like. Who is he? He was the person I wanted to marry to so badly, suddenly he is stranger again.
After finished the big report for my class today, I could not get rid of this picture hanging in my mind. So I drew it down. I actually emailed d2 my drawing and asked if he could put on his facebook as ID pic, although it won’t really matter a thing for either of us, I guess. I was amazed by the strong color contrast after I was done, red is my color and black is d2’s favorite. I did not do it on purpose; the color combination came out naturally. It was not a hard drawing at all, but most struggling one I must say, since my hands were shaking so bad when I was drawing it that I had to take a few breaks in order to finish.

My . Face

I am still afraid of being old, yet I know it comes sooner or later. So I got this idea that if I can not fight for it, I am going to record it. I created a new photo album named ‘daily’, meaning I am going to take a pictures of myself each day and upload them under that album. So a year later I will have at least 365 or more pictures and by go though them I can find out what day on where I had which wrinkle. Haha , is this something sounds crazy and fun?! It already started.

Friday, April 18, 2008


时间太快, 日子太慢。

这段时间,心情很差, 不想见人,也懒得说话。


我说, 我们23年的交情,为了ta你就把我给甩啦。

娜娜说, 没啥, 我跟了咱爸咱妈都29年啦, 为了ta我把他们俩儿都甩啦。


有人走一站, 有人走一生

每日都很忙, 却总是很沮丧。

不肯见到真实的自己, 便悄无声息的,杂碎了所有的镜子。


ni,不要,正式, 和我,

说, 再见。

Thursday, April 17, 2008



ps, 比较后知后觉, 刚在YouTube上看了video, 丫们可真叫个欠揍!~