Monday, November 26, 2007

Spooky story of today

Lately, I switched my anti-depression-hobby from shopping to cooking. I consider this is a healthier way for self recovering.

Yesterday, I just cooked 9 pounds chicken legs and 4 pounds beef. Rita came over to help me……to eat.

Today, I am trying to pack those cooked chicken into several small containers and distribute to friends. Since after seeing so many chicken in such a short of time….I just do not feel like eating them anymore.

Anyhow, the spooky story started after I put chicken into containers….then….I could not find any lids for these containers.

I yield my roommate C in the other room “HI~ roommie~~ did you see those lids.”

“What?~” C rushed over with a confused face.

“the lids for those containers.” I pointed those open containers with chickens in.

C started searching our kitchen cabinets, which I already searched. Minute later she turned over and gave me the most innocent look, “man, those containers are new, the lids must be somewhere~~” (What a useless comment, like I did not know...)

“and…where are our pot lids??” I just noticed that those pots who sitting on the stove were lidless too.

“Oh~oH~~ this is freaky….freaky in an annoying way~” C cried.

Then we came to a conclusion: there is a lids-ghost in our apartment. We can only hope he/she return our lids in time next time when we need them.

I have to switch containers for my chicken this time.

after Spooky story pictures as if after meal dessert. it just so necessary, haha

Dinner I had with Rita yesterday.

Lighting in my kitchen is terriable and my camera is outdated, anyway, it looks much nicer if the plate were in front of you. I sware...

When the lighting is right and camera performs, the vergi looks like following.


Janet said...

Silly gal, fundamentalist movement of religious extremists, when it comes to Pakistan, it is strongly related to Taliban.

Me said...
