Can not be any easier to make. babay spanish, chopped celery, shimps, eggs with sesame and ginger salad dressing. Of course, a cup of milk too.
Takeing care of myself has became number one task nowadays. alas~
While I took her on a tour of
After the campus tour V and I went to Bravo for an Italian late lunch, food is always terrific there. We talked about things happened around us, school, study, job, men etc. I did not know V had a broken romance as well, she does not look like a woman with a broken heart at all, which amazed me a ton. She still suggested me to go to east coast, she said from her understanding of my characters; NY fits me better than MKE. I hope that holds true.
We went shopping briefly after lunch and came back to my apartment. I made some ginger soup since she get a little cold too. We kept talking and both agreed that regardless what happened to us, or going to happen in the future, we will relinquish all the fears and be ourselves. Sometimes, I do need a friend as V to remind me that I am not that good, yet capable to do better.
V left pretty late, and for the first time in a long while I slept well.
I woke up fresh this morning, got some work done, and went to lake front for jogging. 30F is considered as warm for a city like MKE. I making a circle along the lake side, when I jog facing the city, I saw the MKE skyline lying in front of me. The city was still grey, cold and slow, but I do not have the uncomfortable feeling that much anymore.
I called my dad before dinner time, he is almost fully recovered from his surgery, which is great. I never stop feeling powerless and guilty for not able to taking care of him. Yet he is so understandable and never blame me for a thing. He told me that he is ready back to work next week, and I said me too.
2008 is going to be tough for me, and I won't allow myself linger around with a broken spirit. I know I can handle it. I always knew that.
My co-work in the office wanted going out tonight, I told her that I do not want to get them all sick like me so I better stay at home tonight. Which is partially true, the other part was… I never liked bars and clubs, and never in the mood for those.
After nagging about the kitchen floor for quite a while, C and I decided to work on it.
Each of us holding a bush, crowing on the floor, inch by inch by inch….brushed the floor… three times. C suddenly cried out ‘hahahah do we look like geishas (from the memories of Geisha)? I gonna work my way up..I wanna be a geisha….lalala…’ Sometimes I am amazed that she can always holds her spirit this high. We were just going to get the kitchen floor done, but it ends I brushed the bathroom and she brushed the hallway. Two hours later, we started regretting that we were working so hard on the floor, since our landlord won’t pay us for all that.
Thanks HongYing and Yanlin came over be my eating mates, without you guys I won’t have the appetite for anything. Tomorrow will be busy with taking grocery tour. And this weekend Vivian will come to town, oh, nice. Although I stayed over her place in NJ briefly, we did not get chance to do a real chat. V and I, some part of us are counterparts, other part of us are bipolar. But luckily, we still scream out loud every time seeing each other.女人的一生总是会在某个时候, 因为爱情而幽怨。
哪怕是再不被看好的爱情, 只要适时,亦可盖上‘感情寄托’的印章。
可是峰回路转,到了分道扬镳的刀口, 是抱着一起跳崖,还是分手后仍是朋友就看各人造化了。
所以才会有,‘我死之后, 话为厉鬼, 使君妻妾,日夜不宁’, 才会有‘锦水汤汤,与君长绝’, 才会有‘取次花丛懒回顾,半缘修道半缘君’, 才会有‘执子之手,与子白头。’
某个时候, 那个幽怨的时候, 恰是‘恋爱中的犀牛’的时候。
然后顿悟,爱情跟喜剧,体育,流行音乐没什么不同,是为了 让人活得轻松愉快的。
闷骚的表达方式便是, 佛设地狱以戒世人, 可这世上还有什么地狱比的上三千红尘相爱相伤。
明骚则是,若要不相伤,便要爱上了一个立马就嫁掉, 否则不知一生要亲手撕裂多少爱情, 又担心将爱人打为外伤,自己却中了内伤。
佛说: 人之所以痛苦,是因为追求错误的东西。
那么好吧, 从此,不再说话。
PS, 哀家在百无聊赖中做了个感情测试, 被告知:“你的真心人是谁?你一生会有无数的爱人,少则七八个,多则20多个。你自己都不知道谁是你的最爱。也许有的人会被你记住,但记住不代表爱情。你戏弄红尘,嘲笑爱情,浪逐尘世,也被尘世、爱情、红尘狠狠的报复、惩罚。”
那么, 那谁谁, 你也真的不必这般委屈, 好似我夺你生命_____________________________