Sunday, January 20, 2008

sentences I read from others and random thoughts


C told me that Packer lost the game, I did not watch it.
Matter of fact, I do not care, it was not my interest in the first place.

I spend tonight, the night I suppose to work on my thesis, on watching 2008 fashion show on uTube. I felt guilty for a while, then I give it a second thought that women like fasion just like men like electronics. Because both fashion and electronics depreciate greatly with time. Yet both men and women are chasing the newest stlye, fashion 2008 is more attactive than fashion 2005 and iPhone is better than everything else. Immediately, the guilty feeling is gone.

Speaking of my thesis, painful every second I mention it to myself, I have to make it in a Ivy's-way to get over the unpleasantness. topic will be 'the similarities between chicken fried rice with interest rate swaps' Althought my orignal idea was 'the tailored skirt and interest rate', I do not think my professor would understand those technics on skirts. And food is more universal... Regardless I think my professor will fall off his chair the minute he sees the title. And that is the pure motivation for me to work on my thesis.

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