Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Old Man in Sorrow

Subtitle : life is a losing game:

Of course, the idea of this pencil sketch is not my original.
Vicent Van Gogh sketched it in Nov 1882. It was half meter high and 1/3 meter wide, quite large indeed. In May 1890 Van Gogh painted even larger version of 'old man in sorrow' which almost doubled that black chalk sketch’s size (81cmx65cm). And the oil paint version of 'old man in sorrow' was the one with greater renown.
Ok, Van Gogh did a better job than me, and I guess that is quite alright =D

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Books I have been reading lately (1)

--Peony In Love

哀家一直都judge a book by cover的,借这本书也无非是因为外皮闷骚,见它在Barns and Nobles 的架子上也很显眼, 心想没准会有情节。

到目前为止, 看完了三分之二,老子就已经被雷的外焦里嫩了。

故事讲的是明末清初富家女Peony 的感情经历,八过,整个故事斯拉斯拉地是讲给非中国人听的。说什么, 不管礼教多么繁杂,’there are a lot of hugs and kisses in the house’ 同学们啊~~明末清初啊~~hugs and kisses 啊~~ 靠普吗? 至于 像‘kiss on the forehead’之类 的细节, 这里就不提了, 更雷的是女主人公因为博学多才, 念了世界名著‘牡丹亭’又偶遇风流倜傥一小生,终日怀想, 相思成疾,挂掉了。 在阴间与祖母重逢, 共同回顾她父母之爱情故事, 又在阴间看到风流小生娶了自己生前姐妹。 人神公愤以后决定鬼俯身到姐妹身上与小生重逢。。。。

好啦好啦, 到此为止, 整个儿揍是西厢记,牡丹亭,红楼梦,外代人鬼情未了 ,揉圆了向我砸来。 事已至此,我决定大义凛然的看完它, 不过不鼓励列位看官啦,明知会被雷, 还是退退退吧。
下期预告 ‘eat pray and love’