Sunday, December 30, 2007

last day b4 new years eve

answer key:
only you can do it..
a perfect day:
morning: breakfast;
afternoon: grocery; cooking; luandry; eating like no tormorrow
night: read; sleep like a log.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Never got this figure out

No, this trick won't work... How on earth are you ever going to explain in terms of chemistry and physics so important a biological phenomenon as first love?

I was born on the same day with this guy, I mean, exactly the same day, even take the time difference into account, of coz,101 years later. But how come he is so much wiser than me. >_<>

Merry Christmas

No need to say more, thanks everyone who is with me this year enriched my life and helped me grow.
Any wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
Kinda cliché but that is what traditions about.
Hugs from Santa

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Kitty fashion spring 2008

Classy Style

European Style

Traditional Russian Style

Friday, December 21, 2007

the collapsing of Sphinx

Little by little, she finally....collapsed.


1, Her new sleepling hobby makes my leg numb.

2, 看我俩儿那眼神儿, 涣散的跟网兜似的。。。

Thursday, December 20, 2007

new hobby besides doing nothing

Red is the only color in my world, so that is me listening an iPod.
It is the very first brush water paint, not quite use to the brushes yet, the back ground red looks kinda ... unpleasant...haha....reminds me a four years old.

HongYing said 'we can be sisters' I thought that is kinda touching, so this is her.
She also said blue and green are her favorite colors. hope this kind of fair tale blue would work.
Janet, yours are coming. I am going to have a sister serie. What is ur favorite colors?

It was the day we drove to New York City. I was going to color all the cars red, but I changed my mind eventually. That is Lincoln tunnel ahead, hehe I guess I am a four years old.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

cat sitting -- day one

Checking out my books. ..

Posing on my floor,
Alright little fuzzy, I can use ur accompany.
Have we talked enough tonight? I really need to go to sleep now. :P

Monday, December 17, 2007


Ultimate Re-Joy of Life:
Inflict the ultimate pain of life to the traitor
Even if I came back, you won't love be the same way as before anyway.
Would you be happy if .. I am really gone?

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Trivia, nothing important

Days have been really quite lately, no more classes, no more deadlines (well, there is deadline for my thesis, but still, not that deadly.) I spend most of time in my apartment, if C is not here I will use the vacancy to clear all the rooms. Anyhow, she is sick and stay. The poor girl is coughing constantly, her voice is getting horse and nose is running none stop. Do not take this wrong, C and I are like sisters, love each other and be supportive all the time. But for the sake of her own health I have to play distance. I try to not talk to her, every time she talks to me, and close my door most of the time when we both in the apartment. Since close contact will help germs spread and once I got the flu from her, we will just be two sick people passing the virus back and fourth. She has to handle her sickness alone and hopefully she will get well soon.

On the phone with Nana briefly yesterday, she brought those swimming suits I ordered on line and going to ship them from China to here to “comfort me”. Ever since I told her I have been crying, she thought I gonna go suicide or something. Since we have been best friends for over 22 years and she never saw me cry. Or she just did not believe I am capable to cry. Anyhow, I am getting some new swimming suits soon, the old one is floating around me once both me and it in the water.

This week it snowed twice, one time it lasted 3 days, the other time lasted 4 days. Snow everywhere thus I do not feel going out for anything not even groceries. So I have not really cook nor eat any real food expect chocolates. Today, I was up to a dying point, I cooked pretty much everything I have in the refrigerator which is a little beef, 2 eggs and some leftover spaghetti noodles. Nothing fancy but a lot for one meal. Half hour after I ate, Rita called to ask if I want to go for lunch with her. Good timing girlfriend, but I am simply too full to move now.

Q is going on a vacation, so she asked me if I can take care of her cat for a week. Hohoho, of cause, can not wait that fuzzy little thing.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

My Snow Day

Just a normal snowy winter day in Milwaukee.

Got out of gym, went to Milwaukee public library.

It was pretty dark whenI heading back home from Public Library.
Milwaukee logo Gesu church and MU logo Marquette Hall.

Kinda cute in snow,

Thursday, December 13, 2007


Finally, the exams are done, papers are done, first draft is done, although there are still tons of work to do for my thesis defense, I am only one step to get out of school.

Yesterday, half of the class met in a bar and felt like to sink them in alcohol to celebrate the end this tough semester. Yeah, it has been tough for all of us. Some suffered from the classes, some suffered from work, some suffered from personal life… Sure, aclcohol is not the remedy easing all the pains, but definitely helps.

I got couple of shots, damn, it has been so long since my last bottle of vodka. I have Mongolian blood in me after all, peal off my skin I still ganna be tough.

Tomorrow is another party for Economics Association to celebrate those who are getting out of school, we gonna drink again, ha.

Tears and cheers, school is thisi funny thing, it is so painful and hateful in a level, but that is the only way for you to learn. When you really get out of it, you miss it. And maybe, who knows, a few years later, you will back into it again.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

忘掉他,忘掉他就可以不必再忍受,忘掉他就可以不必再痛苦。忘掉他,忘掉你没有的东西,忘掉别人有的东西, 忘掉你失去和以后不能得到的东西,忘掉仇恨,忘掉屈辱,忘掉爱情。像犀牛忘掉草原,像水鸟忘掉湖泊,像地狱里的人忘掉天堂,像截肢的人忘掉自己曾快步如 飞,像落叶忘掉风,像图拉忘掉母犀牛。忘掉是一般人能做的惟一的事,但是我决定不忘掉他


Sunday, December 9, 2007

why do we read diaries?

Dear Janet
Did you read Dec 10th 2007's New Yorker? haha go and find the article "Work up this morning, why do we read diaries."
I think we both under the 'superego' category, according to the author. hahah maybe she is right, it makes me laugh to think this kinda classification.
And I found this sentence is extremely funny. "the rule is perverse, because all writing is about control, and writing a diary is a way to control the day - to have, as it were the last word."
I bet you gonna enjoy it.


PS. see, " writen for the eyes of others", that's so 'superego' ^_^

Thursday, December 6, 2007


Please forgive me for putting commons on your laziness and carelessness. I did not mean it in a bad way at all. I guess it was the PMS.

I truly like who you are and how you are, it just up to a point I can not take anymore.

And I do not even want you to change, coz that won’t be you, but I just can not take it anymore.

I never meant to hurt you, although it is the consequence, and I knew it.

Maybe, I am a crazy, irrational, psycho, whatever you call it.

So please do not take my words too serious, I was just talking, barely making any sense most of the time.

All R Dreams

Gold and silver, transparent chest

Dreamt about you, in my room, for no reason we started making out. Kissing, touching and all that, and all of sudden, you said ‘honey, wait, I need to recharge my heart.’ Confusing enough, I unbuttoned your shirt, your chest was transparent. I could see the gold and silver colors with different shapes doing all kinds of mechanical works inside of your chest. You said, ‘baby, that is how my heart works, now I need to charge it, otherwise it gets weaker and weaker.’ Stocking indeed, but before I could say a word, here came in a dark, short, round shape, very unpleasant looking man/woman (could not really tell), this person said to you, ‘you have to go.’

With that, you left, and I, dissolved.

Tasteless tourists

I was traveling, to somewhere noisy. I found a house, large and warm, the owner said to me ‘you can take that room.’ So I did.

One day, while I was resting under the window, there were a troop of tasteless dressed people came in, they yielding loud and jumping around. They looked at me and bursted into laugher ‘this place is for tourists~~not for you!’

Big blue water and dolphin

I was standing in a middle of huge pond, so huge as if it were a lake or sea. But that did not matter much, the water just covered my knees, I standing there and feeding a dolphin, the dolphin swimming happily and I was smiling and feeding the dolphin that was all I did.

And then the clouds came over the pond, the water no longer blue and the dolphin transformed into a shark. The shark swam around me furiously, with only its triangle dorsal fin showed above the water. The water got colder and colder, I was stung and senselessly, standing there, watching, no fear, or I just did not remember.

I forgot after how long, the water finally back to blue and the shark became dolphin again, and I left the pond. I looked back; there was no dolphin anymore, only the big blue water.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

It is the snow covers my heart

Too bad, I won’t get the chance to be your bride.
But my feelings towards me won’t ever change.

I know I am greedy, and my wants never enough,
I know one person can only give this much, and it is the percentage counts.
I finally know you tried to give me all of you.
I finally know one person only needs this much.
I am sorry;
I knew all these too late.

Thanks for all the love and warmness you gave me,
Thanks for all the helps, supports and comforts,
Thanks for all the hugs, kisses and touches,
These precious treasures stored in the gentlest part of my heart,

May all the dots be connected one day,
Thanks for being my accompany this far,
You are right, I should let you go, fully,
So farewell,
my big baby, my panda, my ding2.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

To 小杨

那也没什么, 我们的神经只得越发的大条。

Saturday, December 1, 2007

First Snow Day

Senselessly, laying in bed and watching the snow falling.
Luckly, I still have a heater to agaist the cold cold winner.
Keep warm, people. Whereever, you are.