Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Should I study or should I watch a movie??

Should I study or should I watch a movie??
Should I study or should I watch a movie??
Should I study or should I watch a movie??
Should I study or should I watch a movie??
Should I study or should I watch a movie??

C: "Do you have a lot to do?"
I: "I have ... one, two, three..four.. books to read"
C: "and....what do you think?"
I :" MOIVE!~ Homework can wait.."


好吃好喝, 阳光灿烂

梦见被狗咬, 梦见婴儿哭, 梦见拖死尸。


Monday, November 26, 2007

Spooky story of today

Lately, I switched my anti-depression-hobby from shopping to cooking. I consider this is a healthier way for self recovering.

Yesterday, I just cooked 9 pounds chicken legs and 4 pounds beef. Rita came over to help me……to eat.

Today, I am trying to pack those cooked chicken into several small containers and distribute to friends. Since after seeing so many chicken in such a short of time….I just do not feel like eating them anymore.

Anyhow, the spooky story started after I put chicken into containers….then….I could not find any lids for these containers.

I yield my roommate C in the other room “HI~ roommie~~ did you see those lids.”

“What?~” C rushed over with a confused face.

“the lids for those containers.” I pointed those open containers with chickens in.

C started searching our kitchen cabinets, which I already searched. Minute later she turned over and gave me the most innocent look, “man, those containers are new, the lids must be somewhere~~” (What a useless comment, like I did not know...)

“and…where are our pot lids??” I just noticed that those pots who sitting on the stove were lidless too.

“Oh~oH~~ this is freaky….freaky in an annoying way~” C cried.

Then we came to a conclusion: there is a lids-ghost in our apartment. We can only hope he/she return our lids in time next time when we need them.

I have to switch containers for my chicken this time.

after Spooky story pictures as if after meal dessert. it just so necessary, haha

Dinner I had with Rita yesterday.

Lighting in my kitchen is terriable and my camera is outdated, anyway, it looks much nicer if the plate were in front of you. I sware...

When the lighting is right and camera performs, the vergi looks like following.

Sunday, November 25, 2007


这个是Packer 对Lion
虽然,她, 从来不看美式足球~

Saturday, November 24, 2007

The Lover

“He said that to him it was strange how much their story had remained what it was before, how he still loved her, how he would never stop loving her for the rest of his life. How he would love her until he died.
He heard her crying on the telephone.
And then from further off, probably from her room – room she hadn’t hung up – he could still hear her crying. And then he tried to hear still more. She was no longer there. She had become invisible, unreachable. And he had cried. Very hard. With all the strength that was in him.”

The Lover
Marguerite Duras

Print: Carpenters - This Masquerade

Are we really happy with
This lonely game we play
Looking for the right words to say
Searching but not finding
Understanding anyway
We’re lost in this masquerade

Both afraid to say we’re just too far away
From being close together from the start
We tried to talk it over
But the words got in the way
We’re lost inside this lonely game we play

(*) throughts of leaving disappear
Each time I see your eyes
And no matter how hard I try
To understand the reason
Why we carry on this way
And we’re lost in this masquerade

We tried to talk it over
But the words got in the way
We’re lost inside this lonely game we play

Repeat (*)
We’re lost in a masquerade

因为刚考完,所以比较闲, 有时间干点这些没用的事。
其实人家,内心深深处, 也是无比文艺的瓦~~

Friday, November 23, 2007


哇~~这么好听,还这么好看, 跟仙女儿似的,
来, 小杨, briefly。。。


"She had rings on each finger,
Rounds of bracelets around her wrists,
And then she sang a song with such a voice that hypnotized me at once."

"She had eyes, the eyes of Opal,
that fascinated me, fascinated me
It was her pale oval face
that doomed my life."

"We met, we recognized each other,
We lost track of each other, we lost sight
We found each other again, we warmed up to each other,
And then we separated."

"We parted for our own good
In the whirlwind of life
I saw her again one evening, aïe, aïe, aïe!
She already belonged to someone else."

"With the banjos sound, I recognized once again
Her curious smile that once intrigued me so much
Her fatal voice, her beautiful pale face
touch me more than ever before."

"I got drunk listening to her voice
Alcohol made me forget about time
I woke up feeling
The blazing kisses on my forehead."

"We met, we recognized each other,
We lost track of each other, we lost sight
We found each other again, we separated, and then we warmed up to each other again."

"We left for our own good, in the whirlwind of life.
I saw her again one night, ah là là, she fell into my arms again."

"When we met each, when we recognized each other, why did we lose sight, once and again?
When we found each other and warmed up to each other again, why did we separate?"

"The two of us, left each other in the whilrwind of life,
We continued to turn back, and embrace each other."

Translation from 小杨

神奇的小王 (7)

副标题: 再苦不能苦肚子

不知道为什么感恩节后的星期五要叫black Friday 阳光灿烂的上午怎么也和black 联系不上。 大减价,就去买了个蓝牙, 从此威斯康星大道上会有个行色匆匆目不斜视, 自言自语情绪无常的妞儿, 你看,她的耳朵上别了颗蓝牙。。

本来还要去Macy’s Boston Store 结果车把一拐就进了Pick’n Save 买了一堆牛,一堆鸡,和一堆香蕉, 大概够一个半月的伙食了, 结帐的时候小姐说 ‘您省了6元钱’。推着一车其实并不需要的食品, 立马,就觉得自己又傻逼了。

回家做了个咖喱鸡, 不难,

灌装椰奶和一带咖喱粉,煮, 直到上面浮出油。

倒入鸡腿, 煮熟,大火收汁。

这个让Rita 和她的蜜分吧, 东南亚味道的。

剩下的鸡, 炖鸡汤, 做鸡汤面条。

然后的, 烤了, 彦琳找个周末你过来陪吃吧。

扮演炉灶飞时候收音机里放着‘Bubbly’, 立马就又掉泪儿了, 又稀里哗啦的了。 做好了,就又不想吃了, 直接放进container

前天晚上和小杨在电话上没心没肺的扯了快两个小时, 觉得自己真的已经over了。

现在想来,或许那种伤感的情绪,在节后愈发浓郁,自个儿就被熏得Black 了。 然后这个Friday 也就Black 啦。

Wednesday, November 21, 2007


我爱小杨, 我爱彦琳, 我爱小C
有你们, 我的生活看起来才不那么血雨腥风。

We're all in the dance

Life's a dance, we all have to do
What does the music require?
People are moving together
Close as the flames in a fire

Feel the beat; music and rhyme
While there is time.

We all go 'round and 'round
Partners of lost and found
Looking for one more chance
All I know is,
We're all in the dance

Night and Day, the music plays on
We are all part of the show
While we can hold on to someone
Even though life won't let us go

Feel the beat; music and rhyme
While there is time.

We all go round and round
Partners of lost and found
Looking for one more chance
All I know is,
We're all in the dance

We're all in the dance

We all go round and round
Partners of lost and found
Looking for one more chance
All we know is,
We're all in the dance

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Roomies night

For the sake of all the pain we had.... from school or .. life...

"There are times when life calls out for a change, a transition, like, like the seasons. Our spring was wonderful, but summer's over now, and we missed out on autamn. And now, all of a sudden, it's cold, it is so cold, everything, everything is freezing over. Our love fell asleep. And the snow took it by surprise. But if you fall asleep on the snow, you do not feel death coming. "
----Paris, Je t'aime

A line from the movie
Paris, I love you,C and I checked out, from Blockbuster, it is sure that kind of moive makes everyone feels could be related with somehow, in someway.

Good movie with good music too.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Been There

Other Photos

Flowers in my room

Blooming on the night stand... the stand...

nothing but peonies....

the age of absolut...

welcome back..

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Not for everyone to understand..

But you can not spell 'bamboo' without 'BOO' ha

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Just notice that

the city I live

has somewhat

paradise looking

Oct 2007

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Let Time Goes By

Avoid the temptation of filling in too many details on your calendar, for concrete planning today may not be as effective as you wish. Taking time for spiritual rejuvenation today is a smart idea and can go a long way to reducing your stress level through the entire week ahead. Have faith that your intuition will guide you to your destination.

Sunday, November 11, 2007
Daily Horoscope

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Random thoughts after ‘In the dark tomb’

We had good laughs together,

We had good cries together;

We had days together,

We had nights together;

We had dinner together,

We had breakfast together;


When one uses ‘had’ it’s always semi-sad,

Especially, when our path

Splits at the end


We may never live together;

We may never have kids together;

We may not even see each other for a very very long time;


But in my pocket, I have all the ‘had’& ‘together’

And years from now,

I will open the pocket and pray:

Please do not bathe my ashes with venom


Coz, they are the only beautiful time,

I ever had…

My Moan

From Luciano Pavarotti

Live Recital

Beethoven: In Questa tomba Oscura

WoO 133

In questa tomba oscura

Lasciami riposar;

Quando vivevo, ingrate,

Dovevi a me pensar.

Lascia che I’ ombre ignude

Godansi pace almen,

E non bagnar mie ceneri

D’inutile velen

In questa tomba oscura, ecc

English Translations :

In this dark tomb

Let me rest;

Ungrateful one, you should

Have thought of me alive.

Let naked shadows

Enjoy their peace,

And do not bathe my ashes

With useless venom

In this dark tomb, etc.

Friday, November 9, 2007

神奇的小王 (6)

副标题:重出江湖之坚果菠菜 baby spinach w/ pin nuts


当然了,这也要怪Rita 同学,让俺替她买菠菜,俺买完以后她又说‘自己留着吃吧’。以至于造成了暂时性菠菜过剩的情形。 浪费就是犯罪, 怎么样俺也要为钟爱的菠菜讨个说法。

闲言少叙, 坚果菠菜很容易的

1, 热油,炒蒜蓉,

2, 出香味后放菠菜, 翻翻, 翻翻, 再翻番。

3, 同时放坚果, 最好是松子儿, 味道很香很香的, 但是小王家秉承一贯的因陋就简,放了核桃。 最后罗嗦一下, 松子儿真的很好吃。

4, 撒盐, 出锅。

那个鱼是红烧的, 更容易了, 两边煎煎,放料酒,酱油,姜片, 一点红糖,一点盐, 熟了就出锅。 两个菜一起做十来分钟就好了。

这般看来,小王的胃口还是不错的,即便是在这么破碎的时期,还不忘在肉蛋禽鱼的世界中开拓进取。 自赞一个~~

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Winning Story of Nov 8th 2007

The girl and her apple tree
---By Ding 2

I am an apple tree, standing proud in front the lawn of the farm house where the girl that care for me lives. My story is about love, love that is unfathomable, love that is not easy to understand, love that is fragile, and love that is not eternal. The story happen during the time when the girl care for me deeply, passionately and unselfishly. The girl fertilize me, cut my narrow branches, clean up the soil around me, and watch me all the time. I am a bad apple tree, no matter how hard she care for me, I rarely give her any fruits, I grow my fruits slowly and randomly, troubling the girl that care for me so much. The girl stands strong, no matter how bad I treat her, she will always back and care for me. My appreciation starts to grow too, I started to give her more fruits and she's happy ... or I thought she was. It was near the season where I will grow a lot of fruits ... I was planning to do my best and give her all I can give. All goes well ... until that one day ... the day that change my life forever, the day that makes everything around me so gloomy, makes my soil tasteless, my roots shivers up. That day that I found out that she was eating orange! Imagine the shock that comes into my branches, she's enjoying the oranges so passionately, so delicately, and looks so happy. To that I can't blame her, I've been the one that failed to produce, failed so bad, that she has to leave me. But she didn't, she still care for me, but she didn't bother to pick my fruits anymore. I asked to her one day, "Why wouldn't you pick my apple anymore?" She replied in her very tender voice,"I tasted orange, its a different kind of fruit, not comparable, but I can't bring myself back to apple, I already changed my mind, I will keep you here, for now until you no longer produce any fruits, then I will cut you down and bury your roots on the best spot on my lawn, but I will not try to care for you or pick for your fruits anymore"

That day, I dawn myself with regret, sadness, and a burden that my heart can't take, that I cried and cried and cried until no more tears can be shed. There am I, standing tall in the lawn, watching my caretaker eating orange while deep inside I am rotting away and wishfully hope for a better life after I reborn again ... now I will just wither in the winter and leave this cold world ... for a while ... till I come back ... as the pure seed I was, with the knowledge of the wiser ... farewell oh my sweet loving caretaker ...

Sunday, November 4, 2007

由grocery shopping 引发的一些联想,

牛肉的价钱已经降到了$1.99一磅, 牛奶的价钱却涨到了$3.38一加仑。

同志们,知道威斯康星州的别名叫什么么? Dairy Land 啊~





Saturday, November 3, 2007

From Albert Einstein

"A happy man is too satisfied with the present to dwell too much on the future."

Friday, November 2, 2007

A memoir, for the broken heart

还能怎样怎样, 一切打回原型。。


想想小杨放弃了长我三倍的感情, 那么日子还有什么不能继续。

伤痛是肯定的, 撕裂了, 破碎了,燃尽了,不再有温暖,

哭也哭过了, 梨花带雨,残花败柳,劫后余生。

也只得珍惜, 说声珍重,再抱一下,

同一条街, 两个世界, 还在唱, 爱谁谁。




那么, 我决定

断烟戒酒, 煲汤炖肉


还能怎样? 打回原形,



PS 翻出N百九十年前离别旧情人时写的东东, 哀家那时的PH值肯定为零, 酸到自己都看不下去, 好在现在神经已越发大条。 所谓成长或许就是褪去一层层的纯真敏感多情,换为麻木冷漠安静的过程而已。 其中喜哀也只有自己明了。

谁的掌纹, 谁的宿命,谁的轮回



无论是劫还是缘, 我们相遇了,












生命中打了个死结, 要怎样去解?







让那海水火焰,万紫千红,白云苍狗, 沧海桑田,


Thursday, November 1, 2007

It is all over but the crying -- Garbage

This is a song I got from Rita,
not too much, only love this one sentence ,
'It is over but the crying'
That is what a woman at least can do...
not necessary a bad thing,
not bad at all...