Wednesday, October 29, 2008



换季, 大半个下午都闷在地下室将夏天的衣服叠好装箱, 冬天的棉袄抖开挂上。诧异于自己的衣物竟然如此过剩, 夏天已过, 一半的衣服都还没有穿过呢。或许是这里的夏天实在过的太快, 嗖儿的一下, 树叶全都黄了。或许是我买的太多,明明知道什么多不缺, 却又忍不住打着锦上添花的旗号原谅自己, 多少银两就这样东流水不复返了。 气喘吁吁的对着五六个大箱子发誓, 明年夏天以前, 我一片儿衣服都不再买了, 我, 保,证。


收理衣物的同时, 在旧物堆里找到了个半新的本子, 大喜,就缺个能让我写字儿的本儿~ 翻开一看, 密密麻麻的,,日记。 不过不是我的, 是小姑娘C写给位小男生T的。 当年我们三个同一年来到这个陌生的城市, 住在同一座楼里, 说着同样蹩脚的英文,上着同样似懂非懂的课, 有种相依为命的亲近。 然而却不知两人竟还有这样那般的纠葛/纠缠。 期间各种天崩地裂,撕心裂肺,各种依依不舍,惺惺相惜。 直看得我目瞪口呆, 旧胶片在脑袋里飞速旋转, 依稀记得T 毕恭毕敬的站的我家门外说: 丹姐, 还有泡面吗?记得C 总是穿很短的裙子,在家做饭都踩高跟鞋。 记得有次T看流星花园里道明寺对两个女朋友都爱意无限时, 抱着瓶啤酒无限惆怅的对我说: 换作我都搞不定。 我自是十分的不屑: 这种烂桥段若是真发生在生活中定然也没什么好下场。 T对我大声: 你, 好, 狠。。嗯~现在才明白当时他反映为什么那么激烈。

然后的时间就悄无声息的流过, 毕业之后我们个分了东西, 其实是T去了东,C去了西, 我留下来读MS 不知他们两个是否还有联系, 是否还会记起当年的痴。只是, 他们的那份生涩让我感动, 或许正是那些不肯说出来的秘密真实的记录着我们的成长。

最后看了一下落款年月, 2003.


时间会磨平一切, 如果它存在,它就干枯 如果它流动, 它就流走; 如果它生长, 他就慢慢凋谢。



Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Sorry, my brain is currently not available

C: why did not you answer my call?

I: oh, I left my car in my cell.

O: Thanks for dinner.

I: you’re welcome; it is a very rest nictaurant.

I said : "WHAT?~"


Monday, October 20, 2008


副标题: 追求的就是那无中生有的精神

肚子很空, 冰箱也很空,每每此时,便有一股革命精神涌出。
空则变, 变则通, 通则有。
对不起啊,梁启超前辈, 改了您俩儿字儿, 咱们的革命方向不同, 但是我领会了您的要领。
跑题, 言归正传。

那斯巴丐涕还是机器猫HY小姐回国前,清理门户给我留下的。 煮了!
房东老太太, 友情赠送了袋色拉; 又很大方的把上次趴屉剩下的白蘑菇给我了, 虽然有点点黑边边, 但真的不妨大碍,
上头那个红红的东西叫beets 说实话偶8晓得系什么啦, 不过甜甜脆脆有点像荸荠。切了!
突然又想起, 前两天鹵了鸡臻(zhen字儿是这么些的末?)加点儿鸡汤和斯巴丐涕拌在一起, 不是我懒, 是上上上个星期就已经把机器猫送的斯巴丐涕酱给消灭了。
竟。然。发。现。效。果。十。分。 满。堂。彩~~~

只是想证明一下, 真的很好吃, 并顺便推荐一下哀家钟爱的, 屡战不败的 sesame and ginger salad dressing. 哀家几乎试遍了市场上的所有品牌, 口味不分伯仲, 列为尽可放心购买。
还有就是, 古之人不于欺人也~~

Friday, October 17, 2008



上图左边的酒友, 竟然是我的瑜伽老师。

哀家的手艺, 周边的蛋塔虽然卖相狰狞但是味道鲜美。

Sunday, October 12, 2008



Learn To Be Lonely
From: Phantom of the Opera

Child of the wilderness
Born into emptiness
Learn to be lonely
Learn to find your way in darkness

Who will be there for you
Comfort and care for you
Learn to be lonely
Learn to be your one companion

Never dreamed out in the world
There are arms to hold you
You've always known your heart was on its own

So laugh in your loneliness
Child of the wilderness
Learn to Be lonely
Learn how to love life that is lived alone

Learn to be lonely
Learn to be your one companion

Never dreamed out in the world
There are arms to hold you
You've always known your heart was on its own

So laugh in your loneliness
Child of the wilderness
Learn to Be lonely
Learn how to love life that is lived alone

Learn to be lonely
Life can be lived life can be loved alone

Saturday, October 11, 2008




哀家险些笑喷, 想来中国人起个洋名真的是件很叽歪的事, 若不是自个儿的中文名飘洋过海后就变了性, 不是一般的误导不知情的美国人民, 定是不会给自己来个洋的。不过入乡随俗, 总是好过被人误认为transexual. 每被问起为什么用Ivy, 我都会很老实的回答, ‘好拼’。 没骗人, 我到现在都觉得 'Elizabeth' 这个名字很挑战。

Thursday, October 9, 2008


Subtitle: It is all about gazing

Getting a B-day gift for D2 was a perplexing question to me. I am glad this rambling painting I did served the b-day-gift purpose.

Ivy: You know you are just a baby, you never gonna grow up.
D2: Yeah...that is why every girl calls me 'Hey Baby~'

Girl Singing in the Wreckage

It's my primary instinct to protect the child
Girl singing in the wreckage
My dress is torn, my hair is wild
Girl singing in the wreckage

My first kiss, my early boyfriend
Girl singing in the wreckage
Wet weekends, new years eve parties
Girl singing in the wreckage

Hour after hour after hour (x2)

My 18th birthday, I'll die of boredom
Girl singing in the wreckage
My private world is smashed right open
Girl singing in the wreckage

My 1st trip, my expectations
I had a dream that it would end like this
No destiny, No destination
You hit the ground and then it stops


I miss my hometown, it's nothing special
Call my parents let them know I've arrived
My primary instinct is to protect the child
Send the postcard from the airport

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


Subtitle: 图片兴博 (1)

I draw this one couple of weeks ago. I have been very moody lately, and do not feel like expressing myself in words.
Thanks dear Janet called me last week, it is always so nice to hear from you. Hey you know I was not going to be a recluse, I was on the brink of cerebral palsy, haahaha

The Lovers Are Losing

I dreamed I was drowning
In the river Thames
I dreamed I had nothing at all
Nothing but my own skin

Slipped away from your open hands
Into the river
Saw your face looking back at me
I saw my past and I saw my future

You take the pieces of the dreams that you have
Cause you don't like the way they seem to be going
You cut them up and spread them out on the floor
You're full of hope as you begin rearranging
Put it all back together
But anyway you look at things and try
The lovers are losing

I dreamed I was watching
The young lover's dance
I reached out to touch your hand
But I was watching from a distance

We cling to love like a skidding car
Clinched to the corner
I try to hold on to what we are
The more I squeeze the quicker we all are

You take the pieces of the dreams that you have
Cause you don't like the way they seem to be going
You cut them up and spread them out on the floor
You're full of hope as you begin rearranging
Put it all back together
But anyway you look at things and try
The lovers are losing

I dreamed I had nothing at all (nothing at all)
I dreamed I had nothing at all

You take the pieces of the dreams that you had
Cause you don't like the way they seem to be going
You cut them up and spread them out on the floor
You're full of hope as you begin rearranging
Put it all back together
But in the final reckoning
We're trying
The lovers are losing