Sunday, December 16, 2007

Trivia, nothing important

Days have been really quite lately, no more classes, no more deadlines (well, there is deadline for my thesis, but still, not that deadly.) I spend most of time in my apartment, if C is not here I will use the vacancy to clear all the rooms. Anyhow, she is sick and stay. The poor girl is coughing constantly, her voice is getting horse and nose is running none stop. Do not take this wrong, C and I are like sisters, love each other and be supportive all the time. But for the sake of her own health I have to play distance. I try to not talk to her, every time she talks to me, and close my door most of the time when we both in the apartment. Since close contact will help germs spread and once I got the flu from her, we will just be two sick people passing the virus back and fourth. She has to handle her sickness alone and hopefully she will get well soon.

On the phone with Nana briefly yesterday, she brought those swimming suits I ordered on line and going to ship them from China to here to “comfort me”. Ever since I told her I have been crying, she thought I gonna go suicide or something. Since we have been best friends for over 22 years and she never saw me cry. Or she just did not believe I am capable to cry. Anyhow, I am getting some new swimming suits soon, the old one is floating around me once both me and it in the water.

This week it snowed twice, one time it lasted 3 days, the other time lasted 4 days. Snow everywhere thus I do not feel going out for anything not even groceries. So I have not really cook nor eat any real food expect chocolates. Today, I was up to a dying point, I cooked pretty much everything I have in the refrigerator which is a little beef, 2 eggs and some leftover spaghetti noodles. Nothing fancy but a lot for one meal. Half hour after I ate, Rita called to ask if I want to go for lunch with her. Good timing girlfriend, but I am simply too full to move now.

Q is going on a vacation, so she asked me if I can take care of her cat for a week. Hohoho, of cause, can not wait that fuzzy little thing.


Janet said...

sweetie! it snowed a ton here too...luckily i accumulated lots of leftover from our holiday party yesterday. I'll call you tomorrow or Tuesday from NYC! Stay warm...drink lots of hot tea or hot chocolate :)

Me said...

u can not imagin how much chocolate i am having everyday, hot chocolate? not really interested in. heh