Thursday, December 13, 2007


Finally, the exams are done, papers are done, first draft is done, although there are still tons of work to do for my thesis defense, I am only one step to get out of school.

Yesterday, half of the class met in a bar and felt like to sink them in alcohol to celebrate the end this tough semester. Yeah, it has been tough for all of us. Some suffered from the classes, some suffered from work, some suffered from personal life… Sure, aclcohol is not the remedy easing all the pains, but definitely helps.

I got couple of shots, damn, it has been so long since my last bottle of vodka. I have Mongolian blood in me after all, peal off my skin I still ganna be tough.

Tomorrow is another party for Economics Association to celebrate those who are getting out of school, we gonna drink again, ha.

Tears and cheers, school is thisi funny thing, it is so painful and hateful in a level, but that is the only way for you to learn. When you really get out of it, you miss it. And maybe, who knows, a few years later, you will back into it again.


Janet said...

nicely written...i had a glass of wine tonight too. can't do shots anymore...feel too old for it.

Me said...

hehe, thanks dear, i had half bottle of wine, and shanpagne, and whiskey, and vodka shots, and drove back along after. haha,i really thought i gonna die tonight, really.

Janet said...

You are crazy! Don't do that again...please

Me said...

alright, not that bad actually, a little bit of everything. most of my classmates were worse than me. aha